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русского зарубежья 20-х – 50-х годов ХХ века

Сайт создан при финансовой поддержке РФФИ. Проект № 19-011-00783

Главная / Авторы / Petronijević B.
Petronijević B.

Petronijević B.

Branislav Petronijević (Serbian Cyrillic: Бранислав Петронијевић; 6 April 1875 – 4 March 1954) was a Serbian philosopher and scientist (paleontologist) who wrote books primarily in three languages, Serbian, German and French fluently. Researched abroad and in Serbia, his major work is the two-volume, 1904-1911 Prinzipien der Metaphysik (Principles of Metaphysics), first published in Heidelberg in 1904. He later became a professor at the University of Belgrade. As a scientist, he was the first to distinguish between the genus Archaeopteryx and the genus Archaeornis; he also discovered new characteristics of the genera Tritylodon and Moeritherium. Petronijević's great scientific fame, however, is nearly eclipsed by his still greater philosophical renown, which he owes to his three principal philosophical works, Principi Metafizike (Principles of Metaphysics), O Vrednosti života (About Value of Life), Istorija novije filozofije (History of a Newer Philosophy).

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